FOH Readiness is Key

I’m sure you have experienced this a million times….   I’m going to share a story from my days bartending in a very busy mountain town.   Spring break was one of the busiest times of the year.  Two-hour waits for dinner and up to an hour wait for lunch. No real break between the …

Using Data to Make Hiring Decisions

I caught an article on Hospitality Technology talking about restaurants using data to make hiring decisions. The article, Hiring Seasonal Millennials: How Restaurants Can Rely on Big Data to Build a Better Workforce, suggests rather than the traditional hiring methods of scanning resumes and gut instinct that restaurant managers should look to data to take the …

The Customer Experience & Mobile Apps

I saw an article on the Missouri Restaurant Association website where SmartBrief talked to Maya Mikhailov, chief marketing officer of GPShopper. She brings up some great points around restaurants and retailers using data and apps to interact with customers. Data is being used all over the business to help influence decisions and drive sales. Here are some …

“Moneyball approach ” to managing multi-location restaurants

The question is: Which data? What things should our “Moneyball scouts ” be looking at? That’s where SMART Pre-Shift Inspection Protocols come into play. With the SMART Pre-Shift Inspection Protocol, you can leverage your workforce to collect data, which will let you draw correlations between operations, sales, and costs. That will help you determine your shortest path to …

Prices Are Starting To Rise

A couple of interesting stories came out today in the restaurant industry. One, which is not such good news for Subway, being that Jarrod’s house got raided this morning in connection with an investigation into child pornography. That will certainly bring on some unexpected brand damage. The other being that Starbucks is raising prices on …